from the ceo

Dear Supporters, 

We are unconditionally grateful for all
of the support. From when it was in
the works to when we launched.
From launch day to present day.
As a small business we fully
understand that there will always
be bumps along the way, especially
with one person and two hands
behind the scene. With that being
said, we appreciate you all so much.
We thank you for being patient with us
when orders are behind or when we are
in need of materials, we thank you for
always being understanding when we
take our personal breaks, we thank you
for being loyal to us and constantly
returning back, and of course we are
thankful for your support from start
to...well hopefully there will be no finish
but maybe expansion. BitterSweet
Cosmetics would not be where it's at
without any of you. Of course we can't
leave a letter without a little motivation.

So here's from me to you:
Never forget that you are beautiful and
strong. You continue to blossom into
the beautiful soul you are. Throughout
life you will come across obstacles but
if you continue through your path and
fight through those obstacles, you are
rewarded with blessings in disguises. 

BitterSweet Cosmetics
Angie Eastlund